Today I want you to ask yourself, Am I loving my Neighbor? Our neighbors are Not just those living next to us. They are also those in the Texas Prison system , Known as Texas Dept. Of Criminal Justice.
"Freely you Have received, freely you give." I have had Experience firsthand with this system, and i have seen the hunger for G-D's word and i have seen the longing for love and someone to care. All too Often Believers neglect the prisoners in the Prison system. The Messiah did not call us to go to the healthy but to find the lost and sick.
As you go about your day today, think of all the times that you have done something to break the law. Wether it was stealing, running a stop sign, or even disturbing the peace. Think about what would have happened if you had gotten arrested and locked up. And then think about how you would feel if you were one of the thousands of Texas inmates that where indigent and not in contact with loved ones.
This is often, too often the true story. and these inmates long for a ear and someone of faith to lift them up and let them know that Yah still loves them.
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Yeshua says to visit those in prison and to take care of the widows and orphans but it seems as if a lot of times after people are incarcerated we tend to forget about them. Just as we need the love of Yah on the outside they need it on the inside as well. If you know someone that is incarcerated then it may be time to share the Word with them. Just a kind letter or word from someone on the outside may be the only thing that gets that person through the day.
we must remember that everybody is our neighbor! Love as YHVH who has loved us!